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Seminars and Groups in Which to Find Me

I think that it's very important to stay involved in disparate research groups and/or seminar groups throughout university life. Here is a list of some of the places that you can find me, that I have given talks in, or that I participate in. I'll link their websites when this is possible!

  • The University of Calgary Automorphic Representations group. I frequently participate and give talks here; this is a ``home'' research group. Lately, I practiced my candidacy exam talk here and gave a series of lectures on the Bernstein Decomposition of the category of smooth representations of a p-adic variety in this seminar. I've been a participant from 2017 -- Present.
  • The University of Calgary Peripatetic group. This is a multi-disciplinary category theory seminar with diverse interests. I've given various talks in this seminar over the years, mainly with a focus on talks involving categorical algebra. The most recent talk I gave in this seminar involved the site theory of geometrization. I've participated in this group since January 2016.
  • The University of Calgary Differential Stacks seminar. The purpose of this seminar was to give a year-long introduction to the theory of stacks, both through a geometric/sheafy approach and simultaneously through a purely categorical approach. I gave a series of lectures introducing sheaf theory and site theory here, as well as a series of lectures introducing and explaining fibrations, split fibrations, basic descent theory, and finally stacks as fibrations with effective descent. I co-organinzed this seminar with Jonathan Gallagher and Ben MacAdam. This seminar ran from September 2018 -- April 2019.
  • The University of Calgary Math/Stats Graduate Student Seminar. I organize, plan, and occasionally participate in a seminar series for graduate students in the mathematics and statistics department to practice talks, share cool things from their interests, and even just hang out and learn different things. I've participated in this seminar from September 2016 -- Present and organized it from September 2017 -- Present.
  • The University of Calgary Derived Category Learning group. I've organized and plan to lecture in an upcoming seminar series which will serve to introduce and understand Perverse Sheaves from the categorical/algebraic geometric perspective by starting at Abelian categories and moving from here. The seminar has yet to run, but will begin in September 2019.
  • The University of Calgary Diet Langlands Programme Summer Reading programme. I helped organize and gave many talks in a summer programme that went through the background harmonica analysis and number theory involved in order to understand Tate's Thesis. In particular, I gave introductory lectures on Measure Theory and Topological Groups, Pontryagin Duality (with a dash of Fourier Analysis; my notes on Pontryagin Duality arose from this talk), and on an introduction to the Adeles. The seminar series ran from May 2019 -- August 2019.


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